Bruno Baptistelli
September 2021, São Paulo
‘Outro’ [‘Other’], Bruno Baptistelli's solo exhibition, reflected on the artist's return to Brazil in 2019 and the construction of his subjectivity.
After 15 years living in different places, 3 and a half of these in Budapest, the artist returned to the house where he spent his childhood and youth. From the encounter and reunion of objects in this house, Baptistelli proposes to us to think about their private and public dimensions.
The Other is the place where the question of his existence, his history is posed for the subject.
The Other is language, is the unconscious, is an Other Scene.
In everything that indicates the unconscious, in dreams, in faulty acts, in symptoms, in the repetitions that make up life, there is the Other. Because we know that these indications are our own productions, however, we do not recognize ourselves directly in such.
This is the condition of the unconscious as Other: to make what is most intimate to the subject foreign.