Maíra Dietrich
November 2022, São Paulo
'CENA-SINTAXE', Maíra Dietrich's solo exhibition, brings together works that speak about the relationship between body and language.
In the set presented, Dietrich thinks about the incorporation of text and language not only as a subject but also as a methodology, 'editing' the works in space and 'writing' a scene for the body of those who visit the exhibition.
In a certain sense, both language and body can be dismembered in their units: the body has eyes, hands, mouth, legs...; language has syllables, phrases, gestures, breaths...; and both, even if dismembered, can only exist, mean, and communicate as a whole. In this sense the artist works on dismembering and remembering these totalities with mixed units of body and language.
The work takes form as text, installation, video, fiction, and collage, and all come together in a scenic composition. In the exhibition one work complements the other, they are elements and units that, even if dismembered and re-membered, signify as a whole.